7 Best Tips For Choosing Functional Fitness Gear

7 Best Tips For Choosing Functional Fitness Gear

Getting dressed for success doesn’t just refer to the office. The fitness gear you wear can affect your performance and give you the edge, or it can do the opposite.

In other words, what you wear when exercising is important.

The gym isn’t a catwalk, but it requires the appropriate attire. You need clothes that are comfortable, breathable, and supportive.

These tips will help you fit yourself in functional fitness clothing that makes you want to reach your PB!

1) Go For Durable, Comfortable Fabric

Depending on your workout, you’ll need to choose a fabric that best suits your needs.

If you’re aiming to keep cool, look for a synthetic moisture-wicking fabric that wicks the sweat away from your body, allowing it to evaporate.

Cotton is another option, as it’s breathable and helps air to circulate. However, it absorbs moisture and can easily become wet and heavy when you’re working out. This can make you feel weighed down and tired.

In contrast, avoid rubber or plastic fabrics, as they’re nonbreathable and retains sweat, keeping your body temperature too high during a workout.

Whatever fabric you prefer, make sure it offers enough 3-way stretch and is comfortable to wear when exercising. If you’re wearing clothing that’s restrictive, you will end up restricting your workout too.

2) Find The Perfect Fit

Choose clothes designed for your activity—there’s a reason we call some shorts running shorts!

While comfortable, loose clothes may suffice for weight training, cardio activities such as spinning or running require proper fitting clothes that won’t get tangled up. The last thing you want is loose-fitting pants getting caught in the pedals, or sleeves getting stuck to the handles of an elliptical strider.

If you’re going to try yoga and Pilates, fitted clothing that wicks away sweat is best. It will help you maintain your form as you won’t have to work around the twisted fabric.

3) Consider The Season

If you’re training indoors, the season may not make too much difference. However, if you train outdoors, you must choose your outfit accordingly.

During the warm summer months, choose breathable fabrics that wick away sweat and are cool and comfortable. In the winter months, you’ll need to dress warmly while remaining mindful that your body temperature will increase during your workout session.

Try to wear a sweat-wicking layer against your skin, followed by a layer of insulation to keep you warm. If you’re going to be in the rain, weatherproof clothing that dries fast is your ideal choice.

Whether you’re running outdoors or spending time in a temperature-controlled gym, always have a warm top to put on afterward. You don’t want your body temperature to plummet suddenly, making you more susceptible to colds or respiratory infections.

4) Generic Is Not Always Equal

While your budget should guide your clothing choices, you must remember that you pay for what you get.

Most sportswear brands come with a hefty price tag, but this isn’t unexpected. Tremendous amounts of research have gone into ensuring that the clothing improves your performance. Nike Dri-FIT technology is an excellent example of this.

Of course, there’s no harm in starting with something simple and then working your way up to the more “tech-savvy” brands. Just don’t expect premium performance from a budget brand.

5) Find The Right Support

Your undergarments need to protect your more delicate areas when working out.

For women, the right sports bra will do wonders. Look for something flexible, breathable, and able to facilitate movement. Fit is all-important, as is selecting the right size—you don’t want something that’s restrictive.

For men, the right underwear makes all the difference. Underwear should offer support, not chafe, and be easy to move in.

Your shoes also need to offer adequate support for whatever fitness regime you follow. The fit is incredibly important, as proper fitting shoes offer excellent support. Cushioning is crucial as well for the same reason.

There are various types and styles of shoes designed for different foot types. If you over or under pronate, or have other gait-related issues, invest in footwear that provides maximum support.

6) Look Good, Feel Good

The easiest way to stay motivated is to feel good while working out. What you wear plays a major role in this.

Choose clothes that fit well and are flattering. When you get this right, you can concentrate on getting the most out of your workout.

If you’re uncomfortable, you’ll find yourself distracted and self-conscious. If you’re not comfortable with your legs, shorts may not be the best idea. Instead, choose clothing that helps you feel body positive and ready to take on the world.

7) Build Your Wardrobe To Match Your Routine

Try to have more than one outfit that’s suitable for exercise. This promotes good hygiene and will have you ready to take on your next workout. Plus, you’ll never need to worry about what to wear and won’t have any excuses to avoid hitting the gym.

Choose your fitness gear according to what exercise you’re doing on the day, and make sure you have the full outfit ready to go. If you don’t have the correct clothing for the exercise you intended to do, shake up your schedule if possible.

Wearing the wrong clothes or shoes could lead to injury or simply make you feel demotivated.

In Conclusion
What you wear is essential to your workout. Not only does the right fitness gear make exercising easier and enhance your performance, but it also builds confidence and improves motivation.

Choose functional fitness gear that suits the type of exercise you’re doing. It’ll get you in the right mindset and helps you avoid wardrobe malfunctions at the gym. Imagine that what you wear to your workout is like putting the right fuel in your car. You’ll perform at your best, and nothing will slow you down.

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